What Types of Irish Whiskey Are There?

So, What Types of Irish Whiskey Are There? 

Did you know that Irish Whiskey is one of the most fast growing industries in the entire world today? Well, now you know. While the industry as a whole is very fascinating, there are plenty of facets of whiskey that might make whiskey drinking feel a bit inaccessible to the casual or beginner drinker. We’ve created this slick outline below to introduce you to the main types of Irish Whiskey available on the market.

Single Malt Irish Whiskey

Single Malt Irish Whiskey is one of the most popular whiskey categories other than Blended Whiskey. Malt Irish Whiskey differs from a blend in that it must be made with only malted barley (hence the single malt), water and yeast. This whiskey can also only be distilled in a copper pot still. Some of our more popular Single Malts from Ireland include Teeling 32 YO Single Malt Irish Whiskey. 


Blended Irish Whiskey

Blended Irish Whiskey is the most popular type of Irish Whiskey to date. Jameson, the world’s most recognizable Irish Whiskey is a blend. Blended Irish whiskey simply means that the whiskey in the bottle is made from a mix (or blend) of two or more different kinds of Irish Whiskey. As such, these whiskeys in the blend could be of a Single Malt variety, Pot Still, Single Grain and so on. Blends, as such, can be distilled in a pot still or a column style still depending on the whiskey categories that are added to the blend.


Single Grain Irish Whiskey

Single Grain Irish Whiskey is similar to Single Malt, but it is not created equal. Single Grain Irish Whiskey must be made predominantly with a grain other than barley. Popular grains to use include corn or wheat. To qualify as a Single Grain, the liquid must not exceed 30% of malted barley in the mashbill. It must also be distilled in a column still. Teeling Single Grain is a good example of this group. 


Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey

Single Pot Still Whiskeys are usually slightly darker in color. These whiskeys are made by a single distillery, from a combination of malted and unmalted barley. For obvious reasons, this whiskey is also only distilled in a pot still. In addition to the darker color, this type of whiskey can also feature a unique spice, known as the “pot still character”. Redbreast 12 Year Old is a pure Pot Still Irish Whiskey. 

Single Pot Still

Redbreast 12 Year Old


Which whiskey will you try today? With so many options in such an expansive selection, we know choosing your bottle can be a bit tough. If you every have any questions or need recommendations, feel free to shoot us an email or give us a call at your convenience. 

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